Friday, January 29, 2010

Stupid mold

Many of you I have already discussed my sadness with, but I have to blog about it too!! A few weeks ago, we were cleaning out the shed and noticed that some things have mold on them. Luckily, they were things that we aren't using, sadly they were baby things we were saving for a baby in the (hopefully) not so distant future!! I total we lost 3 carseats, a hiking backpack and Rich's beer making stuff (the suspected reason for all the mold! GRRRR!) I am hoping to salvage the highchair since the padding and tray are in the house. I just realized that I have started to use some of the things that I had saved for a new baby like the recieving blankets and other baby things. Maybe if I get rid of everything, that will be the trick:) Matt and Jennifer you better have a girl so I can get rid of the last baby girl things I have:)

UPDATE: Sadly, I don't think that I would be comfortable using the highchair. There is mold in places that I can not get to with bleach water which just makes me wonder if it is also where I can't see?!?!? So bummed, so bummed. Darn-it Tina, if you would have just used my highchair instead of Lindsay's none of this would have happened:)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tooth pillows

I was on Martha Stewart's website in December trying to find things to make for Christmas gifts for my nephews and other kids. I saw this and thought it was ADORABLE!! Tooth bears!! I made one for a friend's 5th birthday and they thought it was great!
For my nephew (who turns 5 in two weeks) and a friend's little boy who turns 5 on Wednesday, I didn't think they would be as thrilled with bears so I used a caboose from a quilt I made for my nephews a few years ago and a truck from the same scraps. I think that they turned out cute as well:) Sorry Tina, don't tell Steven:)

The yard

We, and by we I mean Rich, have worked really hard on the back yard. It looks GREAT!! He even build a "fort" for Abra and her friends to play in when the weather dries up.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is it spring?

I just happened to be looking outside and see leaves on my lilac tree and bulbs have already started to grow?!?! PLUS I saw a double rainbow this week (I didn't have my camera and when I came back out it was gone:()! Is it true...can no coats really be right around the corner. My brain says no, but my heart says YES!!! What is traditional Oregon weather? I don't think that anyone knows, but I am going to start keeping a daily record of what the weather was like and then I will have something to go off of!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Children's museum

On Friday, Steven, Abra and I ventured to the children's museum as something to do (other than stare at the rain!!)

Steven got to "drive" a ferry, and they took turns feeding Clifford.

Steven saw a tree and felt compelled to climb it; while Abra wanted to crawl through tubes!They played with the clay (Steven didn't care to have the clay on his hands) and then we ventured next door for a brief minute. (Art isn't these crazy cats favorite thing I guess)

BRING ON THE WATER!! It took all I had to try and get them out of the water!! I think this area would be more fun if I didn't have my hands full of rain gear!

Time to brush the teeth of the alligator. I wanted to take a picture of this lady walking around nursing her 2 year-old..totally exposed to EVERYONE. I am all for nursing, heck when your little one wants to eat, they want to eat, but walking around with your boobs hanging out at the Children's Museum isn't okay. SIT DOWN and have some discretion please.

They were being cute so I wanted to take a picture.

Future jobs: receptionist or nurse and ambulance driver. Steven could probably spent ALL DAY there. That is all that you need to entertain him..buttons that make noise and a steering wheel!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas break recap

It has been a long time since here is a re-cap:

Abra and I Decorated our gingerbread train
Sang at church some Christmas songs for preschool

We had a snowball fight using the paper that had been colored (thinking that we wouldn't be able to have the "real deal" this year...)

Grandma Renee, Grandpa Ed and Great-Grandpa Tibbott flew in from Iowa for Christmas

Got to have a real snowball fight off of Hwy 6 in the coastal range

Got to see Cape Meares lighthouse

Came home to a WHOLE BUNCH of snow (after traveling 6 hours to go 50 miles!!)

Built a snowman in the backyard.

Famiy returned to Iowa New Year's Eve to more snow and colder temps then in Oregon, Bill and JT come over with the girls for a few hours to celebrate the end of 2009 and so far in 2010 I have been trying to establish a more active schedule so that all my housework gets done, I exercise and still don't have time to sit and be lazy. Happy New Year to you all!!!