Friday, April 30, 2010

back yard -April 2010

The backyard is slightly more impressive. We have green grass, clean fence line and starting to level things out!!

Front yard

Here are updated pictures of the front yard in bloom and minus a few hundred rocks.

Okay, not as impressive as when all the daffodils and tulips were in bloom, but I forgot to get out and take pcitures!

Spray paint

Like Tina, I have decided to have some fun with spray paint that resulted in myself having it all over! UNLIKE Tina, I painted outside and managed to only get my fingers (no smurf look for me!) I have random, cheap frames that I have picked up throughout the years that don't match and some are even scratched, so what is the best thing to do? SPRAY PAINT!! I painted them the colors of my throw pillows and I am still deciding if they will go up in the living room or the hallway! I need your imput!! Heck, who is up for "playdate at Paula's and we can figure out what to put into them as well!!! PLUS Salvation Army is having a 1/2 price sale this weekend, so I am thinking about heading over there for some larger frames. The little ones there are $1.99 and even 1/2 that is too much to pay for crappy frames...more like 50 cents would be the max I would pay!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Mom and Dad sent a special package overnight to their favorite daughter:) (That's right Rachel!) I was so excited, I forgot to take pictures and now, they are in our tummies!! Yum

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

crafty fun

Today has been a craftastic day:) I was tired of carring my purse on trips to get Abra or little errands, so I whipped this up from a tutorial on Noodlehead's website I used a zipper from a pair of pants that I am planning to cut-up into a messenger bag, and fabric scraps from other projects!
Then Abra and I attempted to organize and clean the playroom. I had seen "make your own storage cubes" and so I found a saved box and here we are! I plan to use paper and make it prettier, but they are custom to my cabinet!

no more pull-ups

We (Rich) has decided that Abra is done with pull-ups at nighttime. I made a chart and if Abra doesn't have an accident during the night, she gets a sticker. After four stickers, she gets ice cream!!! So GOOD!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gracie's birthday present

This is part 1 of Gracie's birthday present. It was RIDICULOUSLY SIMPLE pattern to follow. I will post more information later, but here is the picture:

Saturday, April 17, 2010

changing pad

I made this changing pad for Rich's brother and sister in law. They had gotten rid of all there baby things, and now are expecting and who really likes to change their kid in the bathroom of a resturant or store? I know they ususlly go outside to change the diaper, but this then becomes a barrier between the seats in their new car and poop! I broke four needles sewing trying to sew the pillow, then I finally just did it by hand! I got the directions from the Pick-up some creativity website. For some reason, my blog won't let me place a link, but under "Projects I want to do" I have a link.

Adventures in Freezer cooking.

I jave decided to try the once a month-ish cooking. Yesterday, I made SEVERAL banana pancakes, Ham and cheese pinwheels, cheeseburger pinwheels, Ham, cheese and broccoli "hot pockets", 2 batches of beef enchiladas, SEVERAL breakfast burritos. I think that is all that made, then I cut-up chicken, put it in a maranade and chopped veggies for stir-fry so all I have to do is get the bag out in the morning and cook at dinner time! Mini meatloaves and 2 pork roasts are "prepared but not cooked". Today, I have about 6 pounds of chicken waiting to be turning into meals, and some porkchops. I am not the most efficient at this yet, but we will see if helps with getting a better dinner on the table!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The new toys

Here is Abra. Grandpa bought her a wheelbarrow to haul her plants around! She wanted a ride like in Daddy's. Grandpa told her "no, it is too small to give you a ride." So, Abra walked away and I will let the following pictures tell the tale!

She is hiding because she knew Grandpa was right!
Below is Rich's new lawn mower courtesy of Jim and Dorothy's generosity! Thank you again!!

Here is the future "lawn mower" in the family learning the ropes!

Swimming lessons

Abra LOVES swimming lessons! While Grandma and Grandpa were here, I figure we could get a few "good" pictures of the fun!

Cookies for Grandpa

Grandpa Jim was coming to town, so we needed to make some cookies! I thought it would be fabulous to have Abra make them with some help from Mom! I had just seen a recipe in Martha Stewart magazine that I thought I would try out!

Step 1: Sift the flour

Step 2: cream the butter
Step 3: add the eggs one at a time
Step 4-7 (ish): add other ingredients
Step 8: add the vanilla
Step 9: clean-up the spilled vanilla

Step 10: mix in the four mixture

Don't forget the chocolate chips!

Scoop onto a cookie sheet

The cook has to have a taste test!

And enjoy!


Some family friends from the "old neighborhood" brought their broods over for brunch and egg hunt! I think that there were over 200 eggs in the backyard, but the kids had so much fun! Having all the plants and hills made for quite the challenge and for the past week, we have found 6 eggs that were "missed". Thanks to all those who came and hopefully it will be a tradition for years to come!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Roman numerals-done

So, this doesn't look too bad for just using what was "laying around". They aren't straight and they aren't as fat as I would like, but they are cheap, living room wall art that helps my room seem less empty!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Family room done...for now

Here are pictures to refresh your memories... To the letf, the family room when we moved in. To the right, the family room after all the peeling paint is off and below, the family room with a new coat of paint!! I used the same that is in the rest of the house and I already have pictures to hang on the wall in this room!! Only four more rooms to paint...playroom, laundry room, bathroom and spare bedroom. YIPPEE!!

egg-tastic fun

Yesterday, we went "into town" to Tina's house to dye easter eggs. With my latest Martha magazine in tow, it was fun, loud afternoon:)
Abra was very proud of that easter egg she is dying; well I got tired of the smell and threw out the boiled eggs and this morning she was very upset. Rich told her the Easter Bunny took that pretty egg and will replace it with a candy one on Easter. Well, she misunderstood and thought that the blown out eggs were what the Easter Bunny left behind, and she took a bite! When I explained that the Easter Bunny leaves candy eggs on Easter morning, she started to cry because she was so embarrassed!! Poor kid!!