Wednesday, September 29, 2010

erin's visit

my dearest college roommate visited this weekend. it was a short, but good weekend. saturday started with a quick lesson in pancake making, then we hit up hillsboro farmers market and scored tons of fruit ansd veggies plus a box of apples for five dollars. in the afternoon, we went wine tasting around forest grove then home for dinner and campfire.we spent sunday hanging around watching football and chatting until her conference. i cant wait to go visit phoenix, or when she moves to portland

side note

I have many things to update from the past few weeks. some things are on the camera and some on the phone. the next few entries will not be in chronological order. enjoy nonetheless

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Abra's helper

i had to stop abra from playing to do her chores, i guess the novelty has worn off. chris wanted to help so he helped put her clothes away, make her bed and even brush her teeth. yes, chris is moving abras arm for her while she held the toothbrush in place.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


I haven't been super motivated to do much in the way of projects and crafts since returning home from Iowa. I have a LONG list of things to make and finally it has hit me, the urge to get somethings done! I made decorative soap for the bathroom last weekend with the Abra.

I saw a magnetic chore chart on a U create and really wanted to make one for Abra. The thing is, I was too cheap to by the $5 sheet of metal at the store when I knew that there could be a cheaper way! Well, after a week of searching, I thought it is going to hang on the refrigerator and that is magnetic, and I really don't want to mess with wood to make it pretty, so why not just use scrapbook paper and contact paper it to the refrigerator! 30 minutes later, project complete. If any of my dear local friends are interested in doing this or similar, I have PLENTY of gems left and tons of paper, so let me know:)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Snacktime fun!

Today, we had snack and art together!! I remember doing this as a kid, but we got the cookie cutters out, cut shapes out of bread and "painted" the bread using colored milk, and then into the toaster. The toaster, not the best choice, but it worked. I put homemade strawberry jam on their plate to dip the extra bread and their toast.

Children's museum with 3

I am watching two BOYS (rowdy, energetic, literally climbing the walls boys) and they are done playing at my house. Understandable considering it is too cold for pool (which has a hole courtesy of Shia), and most of the toys are girlie. I reserved the Children's museum pass from the library and thought we would give it a go. It is perfect ZOO weather, so the museum shouldn't be too packed...WRONG!!! After two days of rain, at the end of summer, MANY other families felt the Children's museum would be a GREAT idea! None the less, other than occasionally misplacing a kid (he thought it would be funny to hide from me in every exhibit), mission was accomplished. Chris fell asleep in the car and not a peep or movement during quiet time from Abra and Carl. I don't know why I bother with the right side of the museum because my favorite (and the kids) is the water and the big multi-space grocery store/pet hospital/ship/building thing. That is great!!